Recent insights from LCWA

August 18, 2011

In the Mix…Back to School Trends

This time of year, parents wear multiple hats. They are professional organizers, backpack packers, lunch makers, schedule consultants and trend watchers. To help them stay on top of “what’s hot” for their kids this back-to-school season, we’re working with our client General Growth Properties, which manages Northbrook Court, Oakbrook Center and Water Tower Place, to share the latest on what
August 9, 2011

In the Mix…Grills Gone Wild

Our Vermont Castings team has been pitching a “hot” topic all summer – the latest and greatest in gas grills. With options like a full rotisserie burner, a side burner for stove-top cooking, a griddle accessory to serve up breakfast and an infrared sear burner that cooks multiple foods at different temperatures, today’s grills produce far more than just burgers
August 1, 2011

In the Mix…Eureka Facebook Sweepstakes

As a part of our strategy to help increase Eureka’s fanbase on Facebook, we are implementing four fan-gated sweepstakes in 2011. The first Facebook sweepstakes ended last week with rousing success! After just seven weeks, LCWA helped Eureka increase its fans by 682%, generating nearly 5,000 new “likes” and increasing traffic and engagement on the Facebook page. To help maintain
July 29, 2011

In the Mix…Camp Red Kite Coverage

Camp is now in session at Chicago Children’s Theatre. Camp Red Kite that is, a summer theater camp tailored to meet the special needs of children on the autism spectrum. LCWA finds it particularly gratifying to help Chicago’s #1 children’s theater build awareness for the many programs that are part of Red Kite Project, a one-of-a-kind initiative which serves as