July 15, 2011
This week, we worked with Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan (third from right) to attend the grand opening event for Everest College’s Bedford Park campus. ABC affiliate WLS-TV covered the ribbon cutting, which was attended by students and other dignitaries. Fun was had by all, and then it was back to class!
July 13, 2011
Summer’s Must-See Movie
As is often the case, the trailer duped me. I expected Andrew Rossi’s documentary Page One: Inside the New York Times to be about the paper’s juggling its traditional role as the gold standard of U.S. print media in the face of increasing use of social media. The film touches on the issue, but it is so much more and
July 7, 2011
With Media Training, the Mission is Still the Message
In this day of smart phones streaming video, bloggers with flip cams and 24/7 cable news shows, have we become such savvy consumers of media that we respond instinctively with a good sound bite when given the chance? Not necessarily. From the media training sessions we conduct regularly at LCWA, it’s clear that the ability to deliver the right message
June 30, 2011
Fruitful Lessons on Hosting Events in the Big Apple
New York, New York! A great place to visit and an even better place to host an event – especially when your audience is shelter media. As one of the top PR agencies specializing in home products, we know the importance of getting our clients in front of these influential media to keep them top-of-mind for projects and stories. Thus